Give the Power of Choice to a Child
Help a student get "un-stuck" by providing a choice to get the education they really need!

Help a student get "un-stuck" by providing a choice to get the education they really need!
Making a choice for a second chance
At 16, Daltyn was a dropout. A highly intelligent dropout. His struggling single parent barely scraped by and could not possibly afford to add tuition to an already tight budget. Daltyn had grown so discouraged in the public school system that he just gave up. But then he heard about Compass Prep from a friend who was already enrolled, believed in him, and knew that this unique, flexible, and focused school could help him accomplish his dream; to graduate from high school and possibly continue on to a college education. He was so excited to find out that because of our scholarship fund and our work/study program, he would be able to come back to school and be in a small, supportive community that would walk with him toward his goals. Because of his parent's work schedule, Daltyn had to be dropped off at Compass Prep at 7:00 a.m., where he would use his backpack as a pillow to catch another hour of sleep before the doors opened at 8:00. Within two years, Daltyn crossed the stage with tears in his eyes and his parent's, to receive his diploma, ready to launch into his new adult life. The donations from people just like you propelled him to return to school with a fresh sense of hope, to dust off his dormant education and finish strong.